
Han Chinese clothing catastrophe_1

Han Chinese clothing
   Han Chinese clothing after the catastrophe began in Manqingruguan. Dressed formally promulgated so that the time for the Lunar New Year on June 15 Shensi years, was converted into Gregorian calendar July 8, 1645, that is, 1645 July 8, do not force the Manchu Dressed in torn off mask, complete the implementation of strong orders from tonsure to, thus began Jiangxi Dressed in other parts of the struggle against the people to suffer from intense and difficult pen to make. Deaths uncounted.
Qing Han Chinese clothing that had a major face of change, will continue for three years of the Han nationality crown of clothes sent to the grave. Junji years, the Qing took over southern provinces, the Qing government ordered the country since the implementation of the system change clothes barber. Qing government orders, the to from the date of official documents, within 10 days of all men to shave all the hair, change hair braids, if there is "still out system, not with the system are given in the DPRK." And this is forced to change with the Han Chinese clothing style. At that time, wear Han clothes and countless people are killed.
Han Qing strongly resist the government order, insurgency after another. Long-term struggle against the Qing government to consider some concessions in order to stabilize the situation. So the so-called "ten from ten not from the", namely: clothing on the men from the women refused, and students from the refuses from, not from the sun from the shade, not from officials from the scribe, not from the old from the small, Confucianism is not so monk from, not from the advocate to Actors; and: official career to marriage and not from, the country from which the official numbers do not, so language is not served from the tax. This limited concessions, and finally retained some characteristics in Han costume.
Why forced the Qing Dynasty after the establishment of the Han Chinese Dressed down braid in fashion? Normally, what clothes to wear, what hairstyle to stay there is little relationship between the ruling, but the Manchus and the establishment of clear through customs, after giving them new meaning. Han Chinese can not accept foreign domination is despised by Han barbaric, brutal reign of the Han people to accept in terms of a kind of insult. Han Chinese civilization for thousands of years, with splendid culture, compared to alien, Han Chinese have a strong cultural sense of superiority, compared with Manchu culture is superficial, it is shame. This kind of national inferiority complex on the one hand to promote hard to learn Chinese culture, Manchu nobility, the other hand, Han Chinese look down on fear of the Manchu nobility to them, so in order to rule the best way is to make the Han Chinese Han Chinese alien customs and habits, the way of character to insult Han spiritual atrophy, loss of the Han Chinese self-esteem, self-confidence, destroy the bones of the ethnic Han Chinese superiority.

